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We are available for local and national media interviews, workshops and speaking engagements.  To discuss the options or to schedule Shanna, contact us via email or by calling 480-397-1184 x4.

VoyagePhoenixsmall Meet Trailblazer Shanna Tingom
  How to Switch Financial Advisors
  Business Skills for Entrepreneurs – Networking That Works
  US News and World Report: Should You Save or Splurge That Bonus Check?
  Today’s Leading Woman Podcast with Marie Grace Berg
  Moneyrates.com: 7 Small Money Moves that Could Change Your Life
  US News and World Report: 6 Downsides to Making a Lot of Money
  Gilbert Woman: Making Money Fun - Putting Women at Ease on Financial Matters

Find Out If You Are Prepared For Retirement

Quick Insight: Discover Your Money Mindset in Under a Minute!


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