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Savings vs. Income in Retirement 

March 10, 2020 BY Shanna Tingom, AAMS®

When thinking about retirement, you should make sure to have a clear understanding of savings vs. income. When thinking about retirement, many think about a particular savings amount that they would..

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Changes to Required Minimum Distribution Rules

March 3, 2020 BY Shanna Tingom, AAMS®

With the passage of the SECURE Act in December 2019, current and future retirees can expect to see significant changes which are likely to impact their tax planning for retirement. Most notably,..

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Thinking About Rolling Over Your 401k?

February 25, 2020 BY Shanna Tingom, AAMS®

An increasing number of employers offer 401(k) plans for their employees. It's estimated that the average employee will have 10 jobs before they hit 40 years old. This means that there are millions..

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To Work Or Not To Work In Retirement. That Is The Question.

February 11, 2020 BY Shanna Tingom, AAMS®

The retirement age of 65 was chosen for Social Security at a time when average life expectancy was 67. Overall, life expectancy has trended up since then, so it should come as no surprise that 9..

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